Restrictions on visits at RD&E due to norovirus

Marc Astley
Authored by Marc Astley
Posted Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 11:26am

The RD&E is experiencing an increase in patients admitted with diarrhoea and/or vomiting caused by the norovirus. Norovirus is widespread in the local community at the moment. Norovirus spreads from person to person extremely easily and causes outbreaks in hospital which result in wards being closed to further admissions. There are now several wards affected.

In order to protect both our patients and visitors we need to restrict the number of people who visit patients. On all of our wards (with the exceptions of ITU, Bramble Unit, Maternity and Neonatal Unit where the usual visiting arrangements remain in place) patients may receive only one visitor for 30 minutes twice a day from 2.30pm - 3pm and 6pm - 6.30pm. Please help us to achieve this by agreeing with your relatives and friends who will visit to avoid several people trying to visit the same patient at the same time and some having to be disappointed. In exceptional circumstances, visiting outside these hours can be arranged with the nurse in charge of the ward, please ring the ward in advance to arrange this.

It is extremely important that you do not visit any of our wards if you have had diarrhoea and/or vomiting in the last 48 hours as you will still be infectious and will infect the person you visit.

Please keep checking the RD&E website for more information and updates.

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