Royal Devon & Exeter’s Katie is a true NHS Hero

RD&E oncology nurse, Katie Williams, is an NHS Hero. Nominated for the award by the daughter of one of her patients, Katie received her certificate from RD&E NHS Foundation Trust chairman, James Brent at a ceremony held today.

Melody Floyde, Katie’s nominator said: “My Dad's last weeks were spent on Yeo Ward. Katie is an outstanding nurse who worked tirelessly to ensure that Dad was comfortable and well cared for and treated him with such kindness. She even worked late on one occasion to get advice on pain relief for Dad when he was uncomfortable. She was a great source of support for us when we were going through such a difficult time, ensuring we had tea, biscuits, a bed to sleep on and so many words of comfort. She is a true NHS Hero and I will be eternally grateful to her.”

Yeo Ward matron, Clare Rowley said: “We are all extremely proud of Katie’s achievement. She is a first class nurse who regularly goes above and beyond the call of duty to provide the best possible care for her patients. She is part of a terrific team of nurses on Yeo ward who are totally dedicated to putting their patients first, making them comfortable at what can often be a distressing time. We were delighted to have the opportunity to share in Katie’s success.”

Chairman of the RD&E NHS Foundation Trust, James Brent said: “Katie is an exceptional nurse who deserves this recognition as an NHS Hero. We are delighted to have our hard working staff acknowledged in this way for their commitment to putting patients right at the heart of everything they do.” 

NHS Heroes was a recognition scheme that was launched to coincide with the NHS’ 64th birthday in July 2012. It ran until mid-September and was designed to celebrate the extraordinary work that staff in the NHS carry out every day.

NHS Heroes gave everyone in England the chance to acknowledge NHS staff. For the first time, patients, their friends and families, work colleagues and professional peers nominated their personal NHS Hero.

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