Rural crime and policing highlighted at Devon County Show

Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg will be discussing rural crime and policing issues on the opening morning of the Devon County Show 2013 (10am - 16 May).

He will join Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer and the County Chairman of the Devon Young farmers, Paul Glanvill, for an open forum in the Young Farmers area. (Avenue D - stand 215)

Among the topics expected to be covered are:

  • Theft of farm machinery
  • Livestock rustling
  • Metal theft
  • Poaching

Anyone attending the show is welcome to take part in this event. There will also be an opportunity to meet PCC Tony Hogg and ask other policing questions.

Tony Hogg says: “The PCC role is all about getting out of the office and meeting local people face to face. The Devon County Show gives me a wonderful opportunity to do that. Rural issues will be on the agenda, but I am more than happy to talk about other policing matters too. I am hoping for a large audience because discussions and feedback like this are vital to help me set policing priorities for the area with the Chief Constable.”

Event details:
Rural crime and policing forum
Thurs 16 May, 10-11am
Devon Young Farmers stand
Avenue D – 215

Paul Glanvill, County Chairman, Devon Young Farmers
Tony Hogg, Police and Crime Commissioner
Shaun Sawyer, Chief Constable

Click here to purchase tickets to the Devon County Show.

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