Slow Loris Outreach Week at Shaldon Zoo
Half term week was also the Little Fireface Project’s S.L.O.W. (Slow Loris Outreach Week) and here at Shaldon Zoo we were busy raising awareness and funds for this enigmatic and endangered primate which is related to bushbabies and lemurs!
Found throughout South and Southeast Asia, these shy nocturnal primates have a deadly secret ... they have a toxic bite! Due to their undeniably cute appearance, slow lorises are heavily affected by the illegal pet trade and because of the ability to deliver a venomous bite, traders pull their teeth out with wire cutters or pliers before selling them illegally in markets. Sadly, these animals often die in transit from infection or stress even before reaching the markets.
Julie Matthews Education and Research Officer for the trust said: "The Little Fireface Project works hard to save the slow loris from extinction through ecology, education and empowerment; we have supported this vital field conservation project for several years now.
"Throughout S.L.O.W we held a number of fun events to spread the loris love. We started the week hosting the launch of the Little Fireface Project's award winning film by Spires Media: ‘The Plight of the Javan Slow Loris’ We could then be seen out and about with the project’s slow loris mascot Tereh, bag packing at Teignmouth Morrisons, beach cleaning with the beavers on the Teignmouth to Shaldon ferry, at the Shaldon Botanicals Halloween event and even up a tree!
"What better way to end our S.L.O.W. (Slow Loris Outreach Week) than to hear the fantastic news that the BBC are going to repeat Jungle Gremlins of Java, a documentary by Little Fireface Project’s founder Dr Anna Nekaris on Saturday November 5th, BBC2 at 11 a.m. Not to be missed!"
Shaldon Zoo is open every day except Christmas Day and Boxing Day, 10am-4pm.