Tackling alcohol abuse a priority for new Police & Crime Commissioner

Devon and Cornwall’s new Police and Crime Commissioner has confirmed that tackling alcohol misuse will be one of his top priorities. 

Tony Hogg made the pledge after his fact-finding visit to Plymouth, where he spent several hours on the front line with officers. He took part in Operation Expound and also visited a custody suite, CCTV control room, and Crownhill Police station.

He joined Police patrolling pubs and clubs in Union Street, North Hill, Barbican and Mutley. He also met Street Pastors in the city centre.

The visit was organised by Plymouth Commander Chief Superintendent Chris Singer after a request from Mr Hogg to see the late night and early morning policing issues in the city centre at first hand. 

Tony Hogg said: “The police were very professional about the role they have in protecting life and keeping public order in a very complicated environment. One club we went into had 3,000 people in there, and the police handled their appearance, the way they approached people and custody issues very professionally.”

“I saw examples of anti-social behaviour and how the police dealt with it. Alcohol misuse, for me, is way up at the top of the list of issues because of the damage it can do in terms of wider violence, the effect on children and the pressure it puts on the police service.”

“Alcohol in moderation is fine. I hope that everyone has a great time, particularly over the christmas period, but when alcohol is misused, it consumes resources in a huge way. It puts a strain on the police, hospitals and social services, and there’s a direct correlation with domestic violence and other forms of violence. We need to understand that when alcohol is used in an inappropriate way the cost is enormous.”

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