Targeting litter and dog fouling in Exeter

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - 11:37pm

Litter louts and people who fail to pick up after their dogs are to be targeted in Exeter.

The move follows calls from the public asking the City Council to take more action.

As part of a 12-month pilot project, enforcement company 3GS have been contracted to fine those who deliberately drop litter or fail to clear up after their dogs. Culprits will be issued with £100 fines, which can be reduced to £65 for littering or £60 for dog fouling, if paid within 10 days. The company are not on any targets.

Councillors in Exeter are often approached by members of the public asking them to take action over offenders.

Cllr David Harvey, Lead Councillor for Place, said that dog fouling and littering were spoiling people’s enjoyment of Exeter’s open spaces, which the Council worked hard to maintain.

“It’s completely unacceptable to litter or not pick up after your dog and anyone who does so can now expect to suffer the consequences.”

People are being asked to let the City Council know of any litter and dog fouling ‘hot spots’ around Exeter, so that the enforcement team can target these areas.

The Council has in the past employed dedicated enforcement officers to tackle the problem of littering and dog fouling but these posts have been discontinued after government funding cuts

This new initiative is costing the City Council nothing, with 3GS funding the cost of enforcement officers through revenue generated from the fines.

Patrols, who will be uniformed and badged, will target areas where there have been problems with litter and dog fouling in the past.

“There are plenty of litter bins in Exeter,” said Cllr Harvey, “with the Council servicing 714 litter bins and 214 dog bins across the city.”

Litter includes cigarette butts and chewing gum, and patrols will also be looking out for  people who drop these. Cigarettes butts are not biodegradable and if dropped down drains can leach harmful carcinogens into the water system.

Chewing gum is a particular problem across the city centre and costs the Council thousands of pounds a year to remove from streets and pavements. The patrols may also target incidents of fly-tipping, fly-posting and graffiti.

The City Council will review the service after 12-months.

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