Teignmouth on-street parking proposals
A public exhibition will be held at the weekend displaying proposed changes to on-street parking in Teignmouth.
Devon County Council has been consulting with Teignmouth Town Council and local stakeholders on the development of a Traffic Management Plan for the town.
The initial proposals for the plan will go on display at The Methodist Hall, Somerset Place, in Teignmouth, on Friday 30 January and Saturday 31 January.
The plan has been developed following requests from the public to consider a number of issues including providing residents’ parking on street, improving parking for Taxis in the town and increasing the turnover of limited waiting spaces close to shops. The proposals include potential residents’ parking zones, both in the town centre area and to the north of the railway line, which would only be implemented if residents are largely in favour.
The changes would enable enforcement to be carried out more efficiently as well as encouraging people working in the town to make more sustainable transport choices. Minor changes to signing and lining to help tackle congestion are also proposed.
Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Highway Management, said: “This exhibition is an initial consultation inviting people in Teignmouth to comment on these proposals for residents’ parking zones. We need their feedback to help us develop the plans further, with the aim of formally advertising them in the next financial year.
“The aim of the plan is to free up some on-street parking to benefit residents, while also helping businesses in the town by encouraging turnover in limited waiting on-street parking spaces and encouraging long term visitors to use off-street car parks.”
Councillor Richard Younger Ross, Devon County Councillor for Teignmouth, said: "The proposals will affect everyone in the town. It is important that residents and businesses have their say and either agree or disagree with the proposals. The proposals can and will be changed if that is what people want."
The exhibition will be held from 12noon to 8pm on Friday 31 January, and from 10am to 5pm on Saturday 31 January.
For anyone who is unable to attend, the proposals will be available to view online from Wednesday 28 January at www.devon.gov.uk/teignmouthtmplan