Thank You Beacon Clean Team!
Thank you so much to our amazing Big Beacon Clean Team - you did an amazing job! Our lovely Beacon Community Centre in Beacon Lane, Exeter, is now safer, brighter and cleaner.
The steps and paths are jet washed, windows cleaned, the kitchen cupboards and main storeroom have had a good clear out, the giant hedge lowered and the weeds have gone!
This was our second BIg Beacon Clean - we're aiming to hold one every three months, to keep the place in good condition to welcome the hundreds of people who visit every week.
The centre is run by a part-time paid manager, supported by a team of highly committed volunteers. Come and see the results of our work this Friday, at our weekly community drop-in, 10am-noon.
As well as hot drinks and cakes we're working in partnership with Lloyds Bank offering specialist advice to people needing help getting online.
Digital experts, Chris and Bradley, from Lloyds Bank, will be available to help you whether you’re brand-new to the internet, or you want a bit of help getting more from being online. Just turn up.