Three cheers for nature volunteers!
The newly-formed East Devon Countryside Volunteers (EDCV) are having a positive impact on their local environment AND improving conditions for wildlife and nature lovers into the bargain!
The EDCV was established in September last year to assist with the practical management of East Devon District Council’s nature reserves. Working at a range of locations throughout the district, the group is already making a great difference.
Under the guidance of Nature Reserves Ranger Nathan Robinson and Nature Conservation Officer Steve Edmonds, volunteers have been working hard to conserve and restore East Devon’s habitats for the benefit of wildlife.
A varied winter work programme has allowed volunteers to get stuck into a range of tasks and explore many new parts of our beautiful countryside. Work has been focused on woodland and heathland reserves this winter, with volunteers helping with tasks such as coppicing, hedgelaying and tree felling.
Nathan, who was responsible for setting up the group, said: “The volunteers have been great and have already achieved a great deal this winter. I hope that the group will continue to grow in strength and I believe we have the beginnings of something that will really make a difference to the nature reserves they support”.
From just a few individuals in the beginning the group has been slowly growing in size and character, now providing an invaluable resource for the management of the Council’s nature reserves.
Volunteering is a great way to give something back to your local community, meet new people and develop new skills. Not only this, but it’s great for your health too. The role of a conservation volunteer provides good exercise, keeps the brain active and helps reduce stress. The restorative effective of working outdoors, in touch with the natural world, is not to be underestimated.
These ‘wild’ places not only provide refuge for our native wildlife, which is under ever increasing pressure, but also, provide a refuge for ourselves to escape the trappings of modern life.
So why not pay a visit to one of your Local Nature Reserves or better yet get involved with keeping these places special and volunteer! If you would like to join the EDCV group on their weekly Thursday work party then get in touch with Nathan Robinson on 07971 407751 or by email:
Your support would be greatly appreciated.