Top 5 ways to get cheap car insurance

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Sunday, February 2, 2020 - 11:26am

Insurance is the one thing that can keep your car safely on the road. What makes having your car insured so important is that you can though vouch for your driving skills, but you cannot just assume that other drivers behind the wheels on the road are as skilful and careful as you are. The result? Well, anyone careless can blow the wind out of your car and knock it over. What then? Well, repairing, of course. And car repairing is by no means inexpensive. For bye, no two insurance companies will ever offer car covers at the same cost. You must therefore always Compare Car insurance for the sake of buying the one that's cheapest.

Point proven, then - car insurance is as must as health insurance and family cover. This is however just the beginning of the realization, for buying a cheap car insurance that's purposeful is another task altogether.

So, this guide that we have complied is about a banquet of ways that'll help you in buying cheap car insurance .Let's begin then!

1. Consider The Car Type

Not all cars are the same. They differ in features and thus cost. Also, there are a number of reasons aside road accidents that demand a cover. Most prominent ones include:

  • Accidental fires
  • Animal crash
  • Vandalism
  • Collision cover

Buy only useful covers to save cost. For example, there's no point in buying a collision cover if your car is really old. You can use a number of websites like compare market insurance to receive the best advice about the right policy type for your car. 

Always bear in mind that a particular insurance type that's cheap for a Mercedes will not be cheap for a Toyota or a Skoda. Precisely, keep the car's model, make, and cost in mind in order to buy a cheap car insurance. 

2. Ask For Quotations

The market for car insurance is an endless maze with an astonishing number of providers. They leave no stone untouched in order to attract customers to buy car insurance from their firm. That's why don't settle on the first thing that you see.

Always compare car insurance by asking for quotations. The best way to obtain unbiased quotations from over a hundred top insurance providers in your area is picking a comparison website like compare market insurance that fetches details from insurance providers and deliver it straight on your screen so that you can compare. 

3. Consider The Car Usage and Road Hours

Some people use and require cars more frequently than some others. If you're someone who doesn't take long route tours, you should focus on buying a pay-per-mile insurance plan. 

Remember, Mileage-based insurance plans can end up saving thousands of dollars at the end of each year. Think wisely and act clever to grab the best deal only. In other words, pick the right policy. 

4. Read The Terms and Conditions Carefully

Claiming the insurance amount is tedious when compared to buying the policy. There are a lot of factors you must keep in mind before making up your mind. Some of those features-to-consider are listed below. 

  • What's going to be the Insured Declared Value?
  • Read about the no-claims bonus carefully so that your claim isn't declined when needed.
  • Only legitimate claims are paid. So, make sure everything that you fill in the form is true. 

If for any reason your claim is rejected, at the end of the day, even a cheap policy will turn out to be expensive. So, be careful with the terms and conditions. 

5. Fit Security Devices In Your Car

Did you know that insurance companies are less likely to issue cheaper insurance policies for vehicles that do not have any kind of security system like an alarm or a tracker? As to why, such cars are less likely to be recovered upon theft. 

Instead, if your car has security features like an alarm or an immobilizer, it will discourage burglars. Thus, insurance companies will be more inclined to offer cheaper quotations since the chances of theft will reduce. 

These are the 5 major factors that'll help you in getting a cheaper car insurance. That said, a few passing tips that'll build up your chances to obtain a cheaper car insurance are bundled below. 

  • Do not drink and drive. 
  • Do not drive immediately after consuming sedatives, if any are prescribed. 
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