Top tips for moving to the UK

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Friday, November 22, 2019 - 9:49am

You are about to start a new chapter in your life. Although the thought might be very daunting – it’s extremely exciting, too. No matter whether you are relocating due to your partner’s new job, fancied a change or been offered a promotion, moving to a different city can prompt a mixture of emotions. 

While it’s natural to worry about the culture shock, whether you will get used to the new systems or if you will make new friends, fear not – we are here to help you with our top tips for moving to the UK. So, what can you do to make the move that little bit easier?

Do your research for your UK visa application

While it may be obvious, find out if you can apply to settle in the UK before making any big decisions. Should you need any expertise or assistance regarding your move, it is also worth considering getting in contact with immigration lawyers. They will have significant experience in individuals seeking to relocate and will be able to help. 

Brace yourself for the weather

Depending on where you are moving from, you could find the UK very grey, damp and cold – particularly throughout autumn and winter. However, with four very distinct seasons, you’ll soon fall in love with the different times of year.

Consider hiring a removals company

If you are moving to the UK with a lot of your belongings in tow, you may consider hiring a removal company for the job. They can help you get your items ready and safely transported!  

Be prepared to go out and get to know people

If you want to make friends in a new city, you must go out with the intention of trying to get to know people. In the UK, there are a number of things you can do to meet new people. Firstly, you can reach out to your existing friends to see if they have any contacts in the UK. If they do, you can ask your friend to put you in touch with them, so that you can arrange to introduce yourself once you arrive.

Another great way to build your network is to sign up for new classes. From fitness sessions to art classes, find something that you love and start attending. You will have the chance to meet like-minded people, and from there your friendship can blossom.

With the above in mind, you can now start getting excited about your move. Good luck!

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