Trustee recruitment drive for city charity
Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau is seeking new trustees.
The charity helps people resolve their problems by providing information and advice, and by influencing policy makers. They are committed to valuing diversity and promoting equality, and need skilled individuals to join their trustee board and help provide leadership.
Steve Barriball, Chief Executive of Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau said: “People from all backgrounds are welcomed. Experience of using, working in or volunteering with the CAB is not essential. We are looking for people with a wide variety of skills and a diversity of experiences."
Steve said that in return, new trustees will benefit by:
• Developing new skills.
• Personal development.
• Learning how an organisation works.
• Giving something back to the community.
Applicants must be able to attend at least eight evening meetings a year and keep themselves briefed on issues and think strategically.
Application forms, together with a Trustee Role Description, are available from the CAB website – www.exetercab.org.uk, or by calling 01392 208130.
The deadline for return of completed applications is noon on Tuesday 9 December 2014.