The Truth Project in Exeter

Mary McConnell
Authored by Mary McConnell
Posted Friday, December 22, 2017 - 10:30am

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the Truth Project in Exeter.

The campaign comprises posters and radio advertisements, local media advertorials and a new Truth Project microsite, all of which carry the message “I will be heard”. The website can be found at

The awareness raising campaign also utilises powerful images and words to create a clear message about the aims of the Truth Project.

The Truth Project was set up to give victims and survivors of child sexual abuse the opportunity to share their experiences in a supportive and confidential setting.

It is part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, which is investigating institutional failures to protect children from sexual abuse.  Information gathered in Truth Project sessions will mean the Inquiry can get a better picture of the past to help create a safer place for children in the future. 

A national campaign to raise awareness of the Truth Project will launch across England and Wales next year.

Drusilla Sharpling CBE, Inquiry Panel member and head of the Truth Project said:
“People from all walks of life experience child sexual abuse. Whoever you are, and whatever your background, the Truth Project is here to listen to you.

“The experiences victims and survivors share with the Inquiry will help us make recommendations to keep children safe in future, so that institutions and individuals can never again say, ‘We did not know’.”

Peter Saunders, Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel member said: “Victims and survivors of child sexual abuse often tell me they’ve been silenced, ignored and failed by organisations they trusted. That was my experience too.

“We cannot change what went wrong in the past but by talking to the Truth Project, together we can help to protect the next generation.”

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