Why Extroverts and Introverts Get Attracted to Each Other

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Monday, June 10, 2019 - 11:53am

Extroverts and introverts are opposites of each other. While extroverts enjoy the company of others and love to be in the spotlight, introverts prefer to keep to themselves and often look forward to being at home all alone. If they are so different, then why are they so attracted to each other? Is it just because opposites are supposed to attract, or is there something else involved? Keep reading to find out why these groups of people can’t seem to get enough of each other.

They want what they don't have. 

This is the biggest reason why introverts and extroverts are so attracted to each other. Each of them has character traits that the other doesn’t. Introverts are adept at analyzing situations critically and making smart decisions while extroverts prefer to wing it and play things by ear. 

In many situations, introverts find themselves overthinking, unable to make a decision, and wishing they were as impulsive as extroverts. On the other hand, the impulsiveness of extroverts has landed them in trouble more often than not, and they wish they were as cautious as introverts.  

They find each other interesting.

Because introverts have been reserved all their lives, they are often fascinated by the flamboyant and often overconfident behavior of extroverts. The same thing applies with extroverts - they don't understand how anyone can be that quiet. This often leads them to form casual relationships with each other, and from there, something deeper develops. Sometimes, they just find each other too compelling to part ways. 

Dating your opposite is easy.

The relationship between extroverts and introverts is super easy to maintain because they complement each other so well. Extroverts' energy and love for life balance out introverts' reserved nature. Extroverts love to talk and prefer it much more to listening. Since introverts actually prefer to listen more and talk less, they balance each other out, and everyone is happy.

When introverts want to take more time than necessary deliberating on the relationship, extroverts just assume they are an item and start acting like it. The introvert eventually plays along and realize how perfect a match they are for each other. In many ways, introverts and extroverts complete each other.

They make each other better.

Psychologists often say you're friends with someone mainly because you admire qualities about them that you wish to develop in yourself. That’s why you spend so much time with them. You think to yourself - if you can figure out what makes them tick, then maybe you can become like them. When outgoing white men dating black women at interracial dating find out their partners are introverts, they often see it as an opportunity to learn some lessons in being reserved. The truth is that extroverts often wish they could just sit still and enjoy their own companies for a change. Introverts also often wish they had the energy and desire to meet as many people as extroverts do. Sometimes, they pair up just to see how they can become more like their partners.

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