Work to start on Moor Lane roundabout upgrade

The first phase of a scheme to upgrade Moor Lane roundabout in Exeter will start next week (Monday 13 January).

The approach to the roundabout, from the direction of Sowton Industrial Estate, is being widened to create extra capacity with the addition of a fourth lane.

In order to provide the required space, earthwork and vegetation clearance on the embankment next to the road will need to be carried out, as well as the diversion of utility services.

This work will initially get underway during the daytime, starting on Monday (13 January).

Although most of the work is off of the road, for safety reasons temporary traffic lights will be in use, when necessary, instead of the existing signals at Avocet Road junction. There will also be lane closures on the wider section of Moor Lane that approaches the roundabout, although this will be kept to a minimum.

Some overnight road closures will also be needed for some of the utility diversions. Advance notice signs will be posted on site with road closure information.

This initial phase is expected to be completed in May. Following on from this, work will be carried out in the summer to provide the additional lane on the southern approach to the roundabout (heading from Sowton Industrial Estate). The Devon County Council scheme is expected to be completed in the Autumn.

The project is being funded by the Highways England Growth and Housing Designated Fund and Devon County Council.

In order to minimise disruption, the scheme is being co-ordinated with resurfacing at Moor Lane roundabout, which is scheduled to take place during night-times over five weeks, starting from mid-March.

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