Work to start on new Mamhead Slipway

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Friday, March 27, 2015 - 12:06pm

Work is set to start on the new, improved Mamhead Slipway later this year subject to Cabinet approval next month, 25 April. 

The Slipway, which closed to protect public safety in 2012, will be improved to provide additional vehicle manoeuvring space using the area of Mamhead Gardens.

Detailed design work for the replacement slipway is now being prepared to be completed at the end of April. A competitive tender process will then take place with the aim to start construction on site in June.

Any construction work, especially in the estuary, needs to be carried out during the summer months prior to restrictions being put in place to protect over wintering birds.

Councillor Andrew Moulding, deputy leader of East Devon District Council and chairman of Exmouth Regeneration Programme Board, said “We are determined to get the Slipway re-open as soon as possible but it is important this work is done properly to ensure a long-lasting, improved slipway is provided for water users.  When complete, the new slipway will encourage water users, both from Exmouth and further afield, to use the wonderful estuary bringing more business to the town.”

Planning permission for the improved slipway was secured in November 2014 and a marine licence for the work to be carried out was granted in December 2014.

The funding is expected to be provided from within East Devon District Council’s capital programme.  Funds from the sale of Elizabeth Hall have already contributed to some of the preparation works necessary to get to this detailed design stage. Water users have been consulted with throughout the development process and another meeting will be held following Cabinet to update them on the proposed timetable.

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