Working Together 2019 conference brings volunteers and community together

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Thursday, November 7, 2019 - 3:37pm

At least 80 representatives of voluntary organisations and community groups, as well as Town and Parish Councils from across East Devon attended East Devon District Council's annual Working Together for the Future of East Devon 2019 event, held on 24 October at West Hill village hall.

Working Together aimed to bring local agencies together to improve communications between the voluntary and statutory sectors. Voluntary organisations are vital for residents and the quality of life in East Devon.

A particular highlight of the event was the expertise shared by knowledgeable speakers across a wide range of useful and relevant topics.

Beer Men’s Shed talked about their experience of funding their project to build a shed in which to hold their workshops.

Action East Devon gave hints and tips on how to recruit and retain volunteers, while Devon Communities Together talked about how to successfully apply for grants.

East Devon District Council and the Exmouth Wildlife Group encouraged attendees to think about actions they could take to combat climate change.

Public Health Devon gave an update on health and wellbeing activity in East Devon and Making Every Contact Count.

Devon County Council and East Devon District Council made people aware of the grants that they could apply for.

Councillor Megan Armstrong, Portfolio holder for Sustainable Homes and Communities at East Devon District Council who hosted the event said:

“I was proud to be chairing the event and it was great that so many voluntary and community groups came along. The feedback I had at the event was that they found it really useful, and loved the opportunity to meet other local community groups. Thank you to all the speakers and everyone else who attended.”

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