You, Me and MND
On Saturday 29 September, the Exeter and East Devon Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) and the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital are hosting an event at the Research Innovation Learning and Development (RILD) building starting at 11am at which Dr Tim Harrower, Consultant Neurologist at the RD&E, will be speaking.
Upon arrival, attendees will have a chance to mingle with one another and guest speakers over refreshments. The Chair of the E & ED Branch of the MNDA, Elizabeth Cargill, will then introduce the event as a chance to learn, connect and have important questions answered by MND specialists.
This will be followed by a talk delivered by Dr Harrower, who has 25 years of experience in the field, concluding with a question and answer session, thus providing a platform for attendees to gain invaluable insight into the world of MND.
At 12.30pm there will be an hour’s break during which further refreshments will be served and there will be an opportunity to network and liaise. The event will conclude with a talk by the MND Care Network Co-ordinator for Peninsula, Tracy Thomas.
The purpose of this event is simple: to enlighten all with an interest in the physical and mental effects of MND and to show how our goodwill, passion and knowledge can be used to spread awareness of the disease that so cruelly takes one in 300 of us.
The event is planned to end at 2.30pm and promises to be an informative and illuminating experience for all attendees, whether professional or lay people.
To reserve a place at this event, please email nsg201@exeter.ac.uk