Basics of driving In America – All the fundamentals you need to know!

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Monday, September 7, 2020 - 3:41pm

Driving in America is one of the trickiest things in the world. Driving in the States is quite different from other countries in the world. If you are new to driving in America, it will be a while until you know the difference between all the laws and traffic rules of the American roads. Just make sure that you are aware of everything about being on the road before you get in contact with an accident doctor

America is a large country with around 50 different states and the traffic rules are quite different across different rooms. For example in some states, a person of 16 years of age is allowed to drive and others require 18 years of minimum age. Even though every state has a few different rules, the general idea of traffic rules is quite similar.

The bureaucratic structure of the USA has made it possible for different states to implement diverse laws from certain points of view. Although federal regulation continues to extend to all jurisdictions, States can enact harsher or less restrictive speeding penalties. The same pace could carry you to prison in one country, whereas another state would just let you off with a fine.

It is important for drivers to regularly visit the chiropractic center as it helps you keep your spine in shape from driving. They will also ensure that you are in optimal health for being behind the wheel and this all is extremely important for people who want to drive safely without any issues.

Basic Traffic Rules in the US

These are some of the many traffic rules that you must know about while being on the road. We will cover the very basics for you:

Speed Limit

The speed limit is not just something that can be the same for each road let alone for the whole country. There are different speed limits in the US that are implied by the governing bodies of the different states. These speed limits allow the drivers to choose their desired vehicle speed and help them to stay within the limits.

Keeping in mind the general speed limit, the drivers can also keep track of their driving habits. In different states, the maximum driving speed is around 70 miles per hour. This is a generalized average figure presented by many states.

Violation of the law that involves the person breaking the speed limit can result in different types of charges. Some of them might charge you after testing you for drugs and alcohol while others can put you in the prison.

Speed limitations are posted on each road so that every driver knows the limitations.


Overtaking is more commonly known as ‘passing’ in America. It is allowed on any road that has more than two visible and clearly marked lanes of the road that offers drivers an appropriate sight distance.

American vehicles are a left-hand drive, so, the overtaking lanes are usually on the left. So unless the driver is looking forward to making a left turn (according to his indicators) you can pass the vehicle.

Here are a few things that you must know about overtaking or passing another vehicle in America:

  • In any legal passing zone, you can overtake the vehicles. To identify the legal passing zone, you need to look for a dashed yellow centerline. This line indicates that overtaking is legal in both directions.
  • Any line on the road that you see as solid and paired with a dashed line means that overtaking is only legal for the vehicles that are driving adjacent to the broken line.
  • Another kind of line that you should look for is the solid double yellow line. This line indicates that it is illegal to overtake in both directions.
  • In any road that has four or more than four lanes – for example, the divided highway, all the traffic is allowed to pass to the left or to the right of the slow-moving vehicles keeping in mind that the task can be performed without any life-threatening damage.


There are many states in America that have made it compulsory for the drivers to wear a seatbelt before hitting the road. Violation of the law or failure to obey the law is recognized as a secondary offense and you might get charged with a ticket with a good amount of money for it. For instance, $50 is the minimum amount of fine for not wearing a seatbelt in some states.

For example, wearing seatbelts became legal in the year 1961 for Wisconsin, and for New Yorkers, they made wearing belts a mandatory driving rule in 1984. Did you know that orthopedics and chiropractic specialists responsible for running professional chiropractic centers have put their strong emphasis on wearing a belt while driving?

All in all, we can say that seatbelts are compulsory. It just comes down to the fact that in some states not wearing a belt is a secondary offense whilst in others, it is a major primary offense. Either way, you get charged. So, it is better to buckle up before igniting the engine.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is becoming a major problem in America. With so many young teenage drivers who like to showoff, their driving skills among friends after drinking and there is the other kind of drunk drivers – the overworked or the addicted. Either way, this has the tendency to leave you on the bed of an accident doctor

Any individual who is driving while being under the influence of alcohol is considered to be driving illegally in the country. According to the law, this crime has quite a few terminologies for its recognition.

Some of the most common terms used are:

  • Driving Under the Influence or in short term DUI
  • Driving While Intoxicated or DWI
  • Operating While Impaired or OWI

This law is also applied to the boating of piloting aircraft and other heavy vehicles.

Compulsion of License

Every single driver is required to have a driver’s license from their state residence. All the states of America recognize their licenses even in other states in case you are visiting the place temporarily. Keep in mind that they are subject to the age requirements as well.

During driving it is quite important that you have all your documents especially the driver’s license and the national ID. The state has the power to suspend the driving privileges for any vehicle that is disrupting the general traffic rules.

Many states are also known to share a common ground in terms of license classes. There are however some exceptions for example in the case of a commercial license. In such a case the license classes come under federal law and are standardized according to the law 48 CFR part 383.


When we talk about traffic rules in America, we are talking about a lot of things that you should know before hitting the road. These laws are made by the governing bodies of the state and might vary from state to state.

You need to understand that when the law is taken seriously, its disobedience can also result in fines, charges, and even some good time at the prison. Therefore, be extremely careful and obtain a legally approved license before you hit the road.


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