Devon & Somerset Fire Service urges students to stay safe

As students begin their university and college terms this month, they are very likely to be preoccupied with new timetables and meeting new and old friends, rather than worrying about domestic duties such as cleaning rotas, bills or crucially, fire safety.

When living away from home, whether in shared or rented accommodation for the very first time, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of student life. Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service are urging all students to take some time to think about fire safety and to take personal responsibility for protecting themselves and their housemates from the dangers of fire.

Top tip Do you know that you are more than twice as likely to die in a fire if you don’t have a working smoke alarm? Ensure that all smoke alarms provided are in working order and regularly tested, this will alert you and your housemates to the earliest stage of a fire giving you vital extra time to escape.

Choose a takeaway… Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service are very keen to discourage students from cooking when returning home after a night out. More fires start in the kitchen than in any other room in the house and cooking while under the influence of alcohol puts you and your housemates, at a higher risk from fire.

More tips ensuring you stay safe from fire in your home:  • Follow a good fire safe bedtime routine and check that everyone is clear on a fire escape plan • Take extra care with cigarettes and smoking materials and never smoke in bed – when a cigarette is finished, put it out, right out!  • Never leave candles or tea lights unattended and ensure that they are put in safe holders  • Switch off electrical appliances when not in use, unless they’re designed to stay on – like a freezer  • Check furniture has the fire-resistant permanent label   • If a fire starts get out, stay out and call 999


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