We're here to give students a helping hand in life

‘Hurry up and employ a teenager while they still know everything’ the bumper sticker said. However, many of today’s teenagers leave school with low literacy and numeracy levels. Currently, there are well over one million 16 to 24 year olds out of work and a distressing percentage are unemployable. The TV show, ‘Young, Dumb and Living with Mum’ highlighted this very fact. School years had been wasted.
In Britain 17 million adults cannot do basic maths and have only the ability of an 11 year old. Richard Humphries, chairman of National Numeracy and also the former chief of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills believes that such a situation should not exist. He said that 65% of young people in jail have really poor numeracy skills.
Schools have literacy and numeracy programmes but large class sizes of 30 or more create their own problems. One of my students was told that the school could not cater for his needs because of a lack of resources. Another attends a secondary school where disruptive behaviour affects the teaching and his learning.
At NumberWorks ‘n Words, we believe that learning has to be fun. Building in SUCCESS is fundamental to how we operate. Nothing is allowed to become a problem and a tutor is always on hand to address any issues. How quickly a student’s attitude changes when progress is being made, always surrounded by positivity.
For further information, please telephone NumberWorks'n Words Exeter on 01392 757 084 or visit www.numberworks.co.uk.

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