7 ways to broaden your cultural intelligence

Frank Parker
Authored by Frank Parker
Posted Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 5:32am

Cultural intelligence refers to the ability to cooperate well with people from different cultures. In other words, someone with a high cultural IQ may be thrown into a society they are unfamiliar with and watch, sympathize, and form relationships with others even if they do not speak the language. Cultural Intelligence has become more important in today’s age–to avoid cultural vandalism and destruction in society–where societies and the world, in general, are working towards being more tolerant.

Following are the 7 most effective ways to increase your cultural intelligence. 

Learn And Explore Your Own Culture

You must first comprehend your own culture before you can begin to comprehend the cultures of others. Taking a personal inventory of why you believe what you believe and where you came from will assist you in your quest to comprehend others.

Find Linkages Between Cultures

Describe how your own cultural background and experiences have shaped your perspective, as well as how other people's behaviors are influenced by their culture and experiences. Look for both similarities and differences. Be aware that not everyone in a given society thinks the same way, and that there are disparities based on age, economics, and other factors.

Being completely detached from other cultures leads to issues such as political disharmony and cultural vandalism.

Be Informed About The Global Events

Keep up with the latest economic, political, and cultural events across the world. Knowing what's going on in your own country isn't enough. Assume the role of "global citizen." Be concerned and interested in being informed about what is going on in the globe.

Keep An Objective Approach

Use an objective perspective when observing foreign civilizations. Do a "thought-intervention" if you catch yourself becoming judgmental. Take the initiative to reframe your inner dialogue. This also entails being acutely aware of your own biases and the desire to prove others who do things differently incorrect.

Be Respectful of Religious and Political Views of Others

Respecting and considering the beliefs and practices of others will always benefit you. Although it is customary to avoid discussing religion or politics with new acquaintances, it is important to be knowledgeable of the religions practiced in different countries. Religious ideas are intertwined with social and business life in Asian societies. Failure to respect their religious convictions will result in the loss of business opportunities and negative feelings.

Familiarise Yourself With Different Languages

Languages are designed to explain the reality that surrounds a particular culture, and learning one gives you an insider's view of how that world is structured in a way that translation cannot. One can improve our cultural intelligence without learning a new language, but even fundamental conversation skills in another language can significantly expand his/her capacity.

Engage in Cross-Cultural Experiences

The degree of isolation you attain from your own culture and background is one of the most important aspects of cross-cultural engagement. The trick is to engage in genuine conversation — a discussion that takes place in a foreign cultural context rather than yours.

People in companies and institutions that have a high level of cultural intelligence are able to ask the correct questions, offer the right answers, and collaborate with people from any culture or cultural mix. Cultural intelligence helps solve both political and social conflicts and creates harmony in society by lowering the levels of cultural vandalism with its promotion of tolerance.


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