Work starts on multi-million pound city library redevelopment
Construction work has started on the multi-million pound project to transform Exeter Central Library into a first class facility for information, learning and culture.
The flagship 1960s building has been officially handed over to leading construction company Mansell who have been appointed by Devon County Council to undertake the redevelopment.
The ambitious scheme will see a range of improvements made to the library including better accessibility, increased space for children and a new café.
Hoardings are being put up around site and the first task to safely remove asbestos from the building is underway.
Meanwhile residents will have the chance to view the latest designs and find out about the next stage of the project at a series of drop-in events to be held on the ground floor of the temporary Castle Street library this month.
The sessions will take place as follows:
Wednesday 17 April from 10am – 1pm
Friday 19 April from 1pm – 4pm
Saturday 20 April from 10am – 1pm
Monday 22 April from 1pm – 4pm
About the redevelpoment
With the help of the community the redevelopment has been designed to meet changing local needs by maximising the use of space in the building, and making it as flexible as possible. The new library will boast a new entrance area and passenger lift, revamped meeting and performance spaces and improved spaces for learning and study along with upgraded toilets. The latest environmental controls and relevant sustainability features will also be introduced to address some of the issues the building has with being cold in the winter and too hot in the summer.
An additional entrance to the library from Rougemont Gardens will also be created so the library has better connections with the city’s Cultural Quarter with the Museum, Phoenix Arts Centre and Exeter Castle and help ensure this magnificent local landmark will be used to its full potential.
The project’s development can be followed online at www.devon.gov.uk/ecldevelop. Comments, questions and suggestion are welcome, and should be directed to the Community Involvement Co-ordinator by calling 01392 384315, emailing ecldevelop@devon.gov.uk or writing to Exeter Central Library project, Devon Libraries, Great Moor House, Bittern Road, Sowton, Exeter, EX2 7NL