Who's Guilty of this?
We are always surprised by the proportion of businesses that don’t open their emails or respond to voicemail or telephone messages on a regular basis and we wonder what level of business is being lost by this apathetic approach? In the last week alone we know of several approaches made to businesses to make enquiries or to place orders for products or services where no-one has responded. Admittedly it’s the start of the holiday period but does that mean that all business grinds to a halt during this time? We regularly hear about how tough it is out there and how many businesses would welcome extra orders. So what’s going wrong?
Is it all talk and no walk? How hungry are these businesses? We would imagine very hungry and therefore it’s even more unforgivable that they’re customer relations administration is so bad. Perhaps this is a lesson to us all to revisit the way we handle email enquiries, how quickly we respond to mail and how often we check our voicemail and get back to callers.
If your branding is making important claims that you are the best in the business and that your attention to detail is second to none then not responding to an enquiry in a timely fashion will completely undermine your claims and invalidate your position in the market place. Can any of us afford this? We think not.
We understand how tricky it can be, especially when there aren’t enough hours in the day, but it is a hugely important area which if you get wrong can seriously affect your business and stunt growth but if you get right will enhance your professional standing in the market place and add to your order book.
For further information contact The Plum Consultancy via info@theplumconsultancy.com