Neil Parish MP joins Whiskas and WWF to mark news partnership to help protect tigers
Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton and Honiton, attended a reception held in Parliament on 16 July to mark the launch of the new and exciting partnership between Whiskas and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) which seeks to bring together the two companies’ knowledge of big and little cats to help protect the world’s tigers.
The partnership between cat food company Whiskas and conservation group WWF will see a total fund of £500,000 raised from sales of Whiskas ‘Help protect a tiger’ packs to support the WWF’s ‘Tiger’s Alive Initiative’ which aims to double the numbers of tigers currently in the wild to 6,000 by 2022.
In particular, the partnership will focus on protecting Bengal tigers in the Terai Arc region of Nepal, with £250,000 of Whiskas funding to support the WWF’s work in what is one of the few remaining strongholds for the tiger.
Neil Parish, who is chairman of the Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare, said of the new initiative: “I applaud the conservation work the WWF do to protect the world’s dwindling tiger populations and I know that this new partnership with Whiskas gives cat lovers up and down the country the opportunity to be part of the long-term solution. Over the past century the world’s tiger population has fallen by over 95% because of the illegal wildlife trade and habitat destruction. Together we can help turn this around and save this most beautiful and majestic creature for future generations.”