Scruffy Mutt Theatre present Terrible Tales
Darling brats/children,
Do you thrill to tales of terror, do you delight in stories that curdle the blood, that send shivers down your rotten little spines? Do you tingle and tremble to hear tell of ghosts, ghouls and gruesome goings on?
You do?! Then this foul feast of flesh-creeping fear may be just your cup of (poisoned) tea.
Oh, I do hope you can come... I am just DYING to meet you!
Your host in horror,
Aleister Grudge
P.S: No scaredy cats please. Only for BRAVE children.
Scruffy Mutt produce exciting theatre for young people. Terrible Tales promises to fuse theatricality and good old fashioned storytelling to give both goose-bumps and guffaws.
Tickets from £7, suitable for children aged 8+