NCT Nearly New Sale
Why not grab yourself bargain?
Toys, Books, Baby Equipment, Cots, Buggies, Baby & Children's clothing, Maternity Wear, Plus much more!
Saturday 12 October 2013 10.30am - 12.30pm (last entry 12.15pm) (Tea, Coffee & bacon rolls on sale for those queuing early!)
10am entry for NCT Memebers
(on production of a Valid Membership Card)
Derriford Health and Leisure Centre
Derriford Road, Plymouth, PL6 8DH
(bottom of Derriford Hospital Site - follow the signs)
Entrance £1.00 (in aid of NCT Charity)
Refreshments Available, Free Parking & easy access!
Please note, no buggies are allowed inside the hall!
Cheques are no longer accepted when paying for purchases, cash & debit/credit cards only!
Register as a seller and find out more at www.nct.org.uk/plymouth