Quit smoking this Stoptober - help is at hand

Stoptober – the 28-day stop smoking challenge which last year saw over a thousand people in Devon complete the challenge, is set to return this October, and Devon County Council’s public health team is marking the national campaign with a range of support for those trying to quit.

Smoking remains the nation’s biggest killer with half of long-term smokers dying prematurely from a smoking disease.

New research shows that people who quit smoking for Stoptober, and don’t smoke again, could gain an extra week of life, every 28 days, for the rest of their life.  And anyone who does manage to quit for the period of Stoptober is five times more likely to stay smoke free.

Along with the health benefits, quitting saves the average smoker in Devon over £150 a month and almost £2,000 a year.  During last year’s Stoptober campaign, a staggering £25 million was saved nationally by 160,000 people not buying cigarettes, and in Devon there was a 15% increase in participants from the previous year (920 successful quits, compared to 801 in the previous year).

Among the support available for Stoptober will be an Exeter-based quit group, where people can get together with fellow quitters and get the support of a specialist advisor over the course of the month.   Anyone who would like to join the course can contact the Devon Stop Smoking Service on 01884 836024.

A Stoptober roadshow, run by Public Health England and Smoke Free South West will take place in Exeter on Friday 20 September, to coincide with the Devon stage of the Tour of Britain.  The roadshow will be held in the grounds of County Hall, adjacent to Topsham Road, which is part of the Tour route and should attract large numbers of staff and spectators to the site.  The roadshow will provide information and advice for staff and members of the public who want to quit for Stoptober.

Councillor Andrea Davis, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing and Chair of Devon’s Health and Wellbeing Board, said:  “Stopping smoking not only has an impact on people’s own health, but also on the health of those around them, and, at a time when we’re all feeling the pinch, quitting smoking will have significant financial benefits.

“There will be a host of initiatives throughout the month aimed at boosting people’s motivation and helping them stay on track, and the good news is that anyone who manages to quit for a month is much more likely to stop for good.”

Stoptober provides smokers with a range of free support including a new stop smoking pack, a 28-day mobile phone app and text support with daily updates and quitting advice, detailed tools and tips for coping, as well as the encouragement and support from thousands of people quitting together through Stoptober social media.

Dr Virginia Pearson, Devon’s Director of Public Health, said: “Following the massive success of Stoptober last year, we are hoping even more smokers will sign up to this year’s campaign, and make the biggest single improvement they can make to their health.

“Last year, in Devon alone, nearly 7,000 people went to an NHS stop smoking service, and over 3,500 people successfully quit smoking through the service.

“Our NHS stop smoking services in Devon offer help, guidance and support for people to quit, and evidence shows that people find it much easier to stop with the help of this kind of service; and also when doing it alongside others.”

Fiona Andrews, Director of Smokefree South West said: “Stoptober provides a great opportunity for smokers who are serious about stopping this Autumn.

“A person stopping smoking for 28 days is five times more likely to stay smoke free and Stoptober can help smokers achieve this goal together. It is easier to quit with the support of other people. Smokers looking to quit can also find excellent free support and advice from their local stop smoking service.”

The Stoptober Challenge  2013 starts on Tuesday 1 October and runs for 28 days. For more information on Devon’s NHS stop smoking service visit the website.

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