So what do I write about for my difficult first blog?
So, my first ever blog. After much procrastination, excuse making and general displacement activity I’ve actually sat down and written something! If I’m honest, it’s all a bit scary. I’ve got no ‘blogging’ experience and yet I find myself sat in front of the computer typing as if I know what I’m doing.
So what’s needed in a first blog? I guess that you need to know something about me? The first hurdle – fundamentally I have no idea how to describe myself. In a desperate attempt to answer this (and in true lonely hearts fashion) I turned to my friends and asked them for three words to describe me. What I discovered first was that I have few ‘real’ friends and the ones that I do have I should probably not speak to after this little exercise. So, I’m Ali and my friends think I’m “trustworthy, good for a laugh and maybe a bit eccentric”…
I am a huge football fan, with Exeter City being my passion. I suspect you may spot whether times are good or otherwise at St James’s Park as it seems to have a rather profound effect on my mood. I run (badly), paint pictures (occasionally) and have a love of twitter and a hatred of Facebook. I love gigs and travelling but then don’t most right thinking people?
I have a BSc in Psychology so watch out (I can read minds). I’m in a deeply unfulfilling relationship with the Jobcentre that is way past its use by date and needs to end. There are brief dalliances with recruitment agencies but they are largely meaningless. You know the type, they never ring when they say and you don’t really know what they’re doing most of the time. I’ve recently been made redundant, come out of a long term relationship and I’m now about to sell the house I shared with my ex. So, pretty much everything in my life is changing. You see, you catch me at an ‘interesting’ time of my life. I say interesting, but you can substitute in challenging / exciting / strange / frustrating / confusing or a myriad of other adjectives dependent on how well the job search is going.
The slate is clean. A new start. And other clichés that I use to reassure myself that this is positive and exciting when actually it’s also a bit daunting. So this blog is really about me and how I start a new life. If that sounds a bit too new age, hippyish or deep then don’t worry, it is likely to only get as deep as a cocktail glass. Currently my ‘self development’ appears to be finding different ways to scare myself or places to drink silly drinks with umbrellas in – but more of that another time…
So that’s me. And that’s my difficult first blog. I’ll be here regularly so come back now won’t you? If nothing else, it will give you reassurance that your life is comparatively on track. Missing you already.... x