Silent vigil in Bedford Square as the lights went on

Revd Iain
Authored by Revd Iain
Posted Saturday, November 24, 2012 - 9:26am

While the music was playing and excitement grew before the Christmas lights were switched on, many people passed by a silent vigil in Bedford Square. This was organised by the Exeter Interfaith & Belief Group in solidarity with faith communities around the world who suffer persecution or violence because of their faith. The vigil was sparked by the killing of Sikhs in Wisconsin in the United States earlier in the year but there are sadly many other oppressed religious groups elsewhere: Baha'is in Iran, Muslims in Burma to name just two.

Some twenty people stood in silence to mark this suffering - representing Exeter's Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian and Sikh communities.

This event is one of two to mark Interfaith Week in Exeter. The other happens today (Saturday 24th) at the Lemon Grove on the University campus. This is an Interfaith Celebration which will draw people from faith and belief communities from across Devon.

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