PCC Tony Hogg appoints new Chief Executive
Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg has appointed Andrew White as the new OPCC Chief Executive, subject to a confirmation hearing from his scrutiny body, the Police and Crime Panel.
Mr White has been interim CEO at Mr Hogg's Exeter base since the departure of Sue Howl last year.
He will take up the role with immediate effect.
A full, open and transparent recruitment process was organised by Mr Hogg's advisor Jan Stanhope.
“I was delighted that there was so much interest in this role.” said Mr Hogg.
“We had a high quality field with applications from all over the country.
“I was very conscious that this process needed to select the best available candidate and also be shown to be fair and transparent. I therefore included three non-policing leaders on the panel. The panel unanimously agreed that Andrew White was the outstanding candidate of those that we interviewed.
“He has a particularly strong vision about the future of policing in this area and the major role that my team and I will play in this."
Andrew White has a long public sector career history working in central and local government. He was a board director at Ofsted and has worked for ten years in various roles within policing.
“I am delighted to have this opportunity.” said Mr White.
“Devon and Cornwall faces some tough policing challenges but has the capability to further improve over the coming years. I look forward to working with Tony Hogg, Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer, and the wide range of local and regional partners to ensure that the public get the highest quality policing and community safety services."