Local Police officers are recognised for bravery

Police officers from around the county have been awarded for their individual acts of bravery and for displaying exemplary acts of frontline policing.

The awards were presented by Superintendent Chris Eastwood, police commander for the areas of Exeter, East and Mid Devon.

Supt Eastwood said, “These awards recognise the excellent work that goes on, both on the frontline and behind the scenes, to keep the areas of Exeter, East and Mid Devon safe. I am proud to be the commander of such a professional and hard working team of officers”.

Commander certificates awarded to:

- PCSO Justin Willis for his outstanding contribution to the community of Whipton. - Detective constable Allison Berry for her excellent investigation skills in unveiling a large-scale fraud and money laundering operation.

Commander commendations awarded to: - PC James Mackay for putting himself in danger to save the life of a suicidal man. - PC Michael Harper for displaying great initiative and courage in a life-threatening situation.  - PC Phil Wilson for demonstrating professionalism, determination and dedication to his role.

Commander lifetime achievement awarded to: - PC Martin Young for dedicating his career to serving the community of Exmouth.

“These awards are a celebration of some of the fantastic contributions by local police officers to the communities of Exeter, East and Mid Devon” said Superintendent Chris Eastwood.

Senior officers from Devon and Cornwall Police, Lord Mayor of Exeter and Mayor of Exmouth attended.

The event was held at Guildhall, Exeter.


PCSO Justin Wills – Commanders Certificate Whipton community action week took place in April 2012. It encouraged over 40 families to be involved and take pride in their community.

PCSO Willis was instrumental in ensuring the smooth running of the event. He helped secure funding from the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) to support the event and arranged a host of community actions to help make the area a better place to live. This included litter picking, graffiti removal, painting, planting, waste collection and community speed watch.

His dedication and commitment to the community of Whipton has been commended by partner agencies, the local media and members of the local community.

DC Allison Berry – Commander’s certificate Operation Menace began as a simple theft from a post box. However, because of DC Berry’s excellent investigative skills, a large-scale fraud and money laundering operation was unveiled, valued at over £1,000,000.

Through painstaking investigations, DC Berry identified 20 victims through four police forces. She managed a number of searches, directed and tasked lengthy and complex financial work and prepared detailed evidence to the CPS.

She worked unsupervised, often in her own time, showing complete dedication and commitment to achieving a successful outcome.  Two offenders were convicted at Exeter Crown Court. 

PC James Mackay – Commander’s commendation  PC Mackay responded to a report of a man walking along the busy Exeter to Exmouth railway line. Upon arrival at the scene, he could see the man but was unable to communicate with him nor gain access to the line.

Twenty minutes passed and PC Mackay could not confirm that trains had been halted. The man had lay down on the tracks and couldn’t be reached by officers.

With scant regard for his own safety, PC Mackay scaled a fence to get onto the railway line and escort him to safety. His actions saved the life of the man.

PC Mike Harper – Commander’s commendation  PC Harper responded to a report that a 20-year old woman had jumped into the River Torridge, Bideford.

On arrival, accompanied by a colleague, PC Harper made efforts to rescue the woman. However, the woman refused help and was swept downstream by the strong current. PC Harper showed great presence of mind in retaining a calm presence and locating a semi-inflated dinghy nearby.

Despite the obvious risks presented, PC Harper and his colleague made their way into the estuary.  Unable to pull the woman into the boat, the officers held her above the water line until the arrival of an inshore rescue vessel.  They eventually managed to bring the woman to shore where she was conveyed to hospital and treated.

The quick thinking and courageous actions of PC Harper and his colleague saved the life of the woman.

PC Phil Wilson – Commander’s commendation  PC Wilson, a ‘response dog handler’ was alerted of a high risk, missing, suicidal woman who had walked out of Exeter Hospital with a canula still in her hand.   Using his excellent investigation skills, he gathered information about the woman from a number of sources.  He also took a photograph of the woman to the police communications department for distribution to all officers involved in the search.   Due to the quick thinking and determination of PC Wilson, the woman was safely located.

On the same day, PC Wilson attended a report of a nasty dog bite on a 9-year old girl.  The bite was so serious that she has subsequently had two plastic surgery operations to reduce the scarring.  PC Wilson dealt with the situation sensitively; showing excellent presence of mind in realising the dog was potentially a prohibited pit bull terrier.  The dog was later euthanized.

To round off a busy shift, PC Wilson was travelling home off duty when he spotted a male threatening to jump off a motorway bridge.  He immediately stopped and engaged the male in conversation, eventually persuading him to come voluntarily with the Police.   PC Wilson may well have saved this person’s life. 

PC Martin Young - Lifetime achievement award Since 1996, PC Young has dedicated his career to serving the community of Exmouth. His role as a neighbourhood beat manager involves working closely with Exmouth community college where his consistent presence, coupled with his leadership of the emergency service cadets has paid huge dividends in reducing youth offending and increasing confidence in the police service among young people.

PC Young is respected by his police and community colleagues and through his professionalism is personally responsible for turning around the lives of many young people in Exmouth. The college principle cites his service and dedication as invaluable and of a level unmatched.  

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