Exeter Citizen's Advice moves offices
Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) will be taking over a ground floor office complex in the Civic Centre – giving it a more prominent location in the city centre.
The bureau, which provides free advice to the people of Exeter, has signed a lease on the building with Exeter City Council.
Dennis Mardon, chair of Exeter CAB, said: ‘We are delighted to be moving into new premises. We will be able to offer a more modern environment for our clients, staff and volunteers.
‘In many ways we will be sorry to be leaving our current offices in Wat Tyler House as they have served us well over the last 15 years and we have many happy memories of our time there. However, now is the time for us to move on to the next stage, and our new premises will be an important part of our ongoing development. I would like to recognise the help of our architects, Kensington Taylor, and our legal advisers, Stones Solicitors LLP, for helping to get us to this stage.’
He added: “We are working on our plans for the new premises and seeking a contractor to carry out the works. We currently estimate that we will be moving by the end of the summer. In the meantime it is business as usual for us in Wat Tyler House.’
Cllr Ollie Pearson of Exeter City Council said: ‘We are delighted that Exeter CAB will be moving into the Civic Centre. This will build on our already excellent relationship with them. The success of the Exeter Money Advice Partnership service within the Customer Service Centre continues to demonstrate the impact we can have when we work together.’
The new premises on Dix’s Field will offer ground floor accommodation with its own dedicated entrance, larger client interview rooms, and improved ventilation and heating. In addition, a new look reception will provide enhanced opportunities for clients to access on-line help supported by volunteers.