FREE Business Advice and Guidance for Women in Business
As very proud sponsors of the Devon Venus Awards Sampson Hall are delighted to be part of this fantastic day that has been organised to offer women who are thinking of setting up a business or those already in business the chance to obtain free guidance and advice from a range of business experts.
Friday 6 June will see experts from Stones Solicitors LLP, Bishop Fleming, Sampson Hall and Western Morning News/Express & Echo in Market Square at the Guildhall Shopping Centre in Exeter between 10am and 4pm to provide free advice to women in business.
The Venus Awards sponsors NatWest will also be in attendance and representatives from the Venus Awards themselves will also be on hand to talk about the awards and to encourage people to enter, or to nominate women in business with a successful story to tell.
The advice available will be wide ranging, from setting up a business to business expansion, hiring and firing, funding, tax and business planning, working from home and more.
Other Venus Awards supporters, such as Leading Women UK, Heart FM and the Exeter Daily, will also be exhibiting their skills and expertise.
Celia Delaney, local organiser for the Venus Awards, said: “This is the first time that the Venus Awards have taken a business advisory day to a public space such as a shopping centre, and we are grateful to our sponsors, and to the Guildhall Shopping Centre for helping us run this innovative event. We have deliberately chosen such an informal setting because we know that many women, especially when they are starting out in business, are deterred from seeking advice from traditional business environments. By offering access to some of the region’s leading business experts in such a way, we hope to encourage more women to come forward for top-notch business advice.”
This really is a fantastic opportunity and not too be missed!