Come along to Exeter’s health fair
Residents and visitors to Exeter are being invited to attend a health fair in the city centre on Friday 27 June 2014.
The health fair, which is being held at St Stephen’s Church on the High Street, is the second event of this type in Exeter and aims to find out people’s views and feedback on what health and social care provision could look like in the future in their area.
It is being hosted by Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NEW Devon CCG), the organisation that commissions, or buys, most healthcare services for people in Exeter.
Representatives from healthcare providers such as the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust will be on hand to talk to people about the services they run.
Voluntary sector organisations such as Age UK and the Alzheimer’s Society will also be at the event.
Dr Rob Turner, a GP from Topsham and Gillian Champion, a nurse partner at The Foxhayes Practice, are both Board members of the Eastern Locality of NEW Devon CCG.
They said: “We want to look at ways we could better provide health and social care services in the future and we want to fully involve the people of Exeter in this.
“It would be great if mums and dads, shoppers, workers and visitors to the city centre come along to our health fair at St Stephen’s Church to share with us their views on what future health services could look like in their area.”
There is no need to book a place, just turn up on the day. Children are also welcome.
For more information about the health fair, contact Abi Blee on Abigail.blee@nhs.net or 01392 356 132.