Top tips on how to stay safe and well this winter

As the cold weather begins to take hold across the region South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust is urging members of the public to choose well this winter.


Making only essential journeys during periods of severe weather, and taking extra care when outside walking on icy surfaces, can prevent many incidents.


The Trust is committed to delivering the Right Care in the Right Place at the Right Time, however, not all of the calls we receive warrant an ambulance response and the 999 ambulance service should only be used for emergency situations. Examples include; choking, chest pain, stroke, serious blood loss and unconsciousness. Using the ambulance service only to tend the critically ill and injured helps ensure a quick response to those in genuine need. 


There are a wide variety of healthcare services available for a range of conditions and it is important that people choose well, especially during periods when demand for the ambulance service is expected to be high.


Alternative healthcare options for less serious conditions include; visiting a minor injury unit (MIU) or NHS walk-in centre, making an appointment to see your GP (or an out of hours GP for more serious conditions when surgeries are not open), visiting your local pharmacist for advice, or calling NHS Direct on 0845 4647. 


If you are unsure which healthcare service best suits your condition visit the NHS Direct website at

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