7 Foods That Will Calm You
#1 - Avocados
Avocados are healthy for you in many ways, as they are an exceptional source of healthy fat. However, these fruits can also be the key for your calmness. Avocados are known for containing a lot more folate than other fruits, as well as their richness in glutathione, which is a substance with the ability to block intestinal absorption of certain fats that cause oxidative damage. So, the next time you prepare a salad, or a sandwich, be sure to add some avocado!
#2 - Berries
If you consume berries on a regular basis, you will see things much clearer. Every berry is absolutely filled with vitamin C, which is known for fighting off stress and anxiety. Thanks to vitamin C, your blood pressure will be lowered, along with your cortisol levels. The next time you eat breakfast, try eating a few berries too, and you will experience a calmer day.
#3 - Oranges
In case you don’t like berries very much, then an orange will be the ultimate vitamin C replacement for you. They are known to be very refreshing, and a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice can be a great drink when you want to cool down.
#4 - Oysters
Foods that contain a lot of zinc can be very calming. With that being said, know that oysters represent an incredible source of zinc. Just ten oysters contain the recommended daily amount of this mineral.
#5 - Walnuts
Many people are unaware of this, but walnuts can actually do wonders for your health. They pack quite a punch of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to better your brain function and prevent memory loss. Also, these same acids help in keeping the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline in check.
#6 - Chocolate
Apart from being one of the most delicious treats you can find, chocolate is also quite good in calming a person down. We’ve all experienced a situation in our life when we ate a whole case of chocolate after having a bad day. That alone proves that chocolate is actually great in making you feel better. Also, dark chocolate is known for lowering blood pressure, thus making you feel very calm.
#7 - Chamomile Tea
If you have anxiety problems, it’s very likely that nothing will make you feel better than chamomile tea. This tea is best consumed at night, before you go to sleep. That way you will end your day in a very peaceful way.
Courtesy of http://www.uncoverdiscover.com