East Devon leads the way on the Wetlands
During the busy half-term week members of EDDC’s Countryside team hosted a visit from their counterparts in Poole, who wanted an in-depth look at the Axe Estuary Wetlands project.
Staff from Borough of Poole Council, Natural England, RSPB, Environment Agency and charity The Birds of Poole Harbour all made the trip along the south coast to learn about, and be inspired by, the work that has gone into making the Axe Estuary Wetlands what it is today.
Countryside Team Leader Steve Edmonds hosted the visit. He said: “It was great to take the group for a tour of the Wetlands. The questions they asked were insightful and it is clear that there was a shared passion to replicate what we’ve done back in Poole.
“I must thank Mike Lock, Pete & Lesley Clarke, and Martin Drake of the Axe Vale and District Conservation Society, who assisted me in hosting the tour. Their combined knowledge of the history of the Wetlands and of AVDCS’s involvement was invaluable to our visitors”.
The visit came about after Shaun Robson, Head of Environmental and Consumer Protection Services from the Borough of Poole, had visited the site in April as a delegate to the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) Southwest Bird Ringing Conference, which was held in Seaton.
After the visit, Shaun said: “Meeting the team from East Devon was fantastic. We were all hugely impressed by their achievements on the Axe Estuary. The collaboration between the Council, partners and the community was very visible. We are working to build our capacity with our community and to encourage more volunteering.
“It was clear to us that some very positive relationships exist around the Seaton Wetlands and that this has been at the heart of the success. We hope that we can continue to share ideas and experiences with our colleagues in East Devon and would thank everyone involved for the time and help that they gave us”.
After the tour finished, the guests were treated to dining al fresco Wetlands-style, as the first Wetlands BBQ of the season got under way. There was also a first for the Wetlands - a plant sale - which had received tremendous support from the loyal band of local volunteers, with plants aplenty on display.
Although the heavens opened, the hotdogs and burgers were very popular, and the visitors from Poole got to spend some time with many of the staff and volunteers who have been vital to the success of the Axe Estuary Wetlands.