Praise for Deaf Academy 'Firecracker' Head
Staff and students are celebrating at Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education as the specialist education provider is thrilled to announce its school provision has been rated as Good in a recent Ofsted inspection.
With just half-a-days’ notice, two inspectors conducted a rigorous inspection of the Academy’s school provision over two days in mid-May. Rated as Good overall and across all the independent subsections of the report, this is a huge achievement for the Academy.
Over the two days, the inspectors analysed the achievement, behaviour and safety of students, the quality of teaching and the leadership and management of the Academy. With members of the Academy’s Senior Leadership Team, the inspectors scrutinised 12 lessons in school, including extensive review of the students’ work and books and the lead inspector conducted a ‘learning walk’ visiting all classrooms and study areas throughout the visit.
The Academy was very pleased with the overall summary for the ‘Achievement of Pupils’ focus of report. The inspectors noted; ‘They (the students) make good progress from their different starting points [and] new initiatives are dramatically accelerating the progress made by the students involved.’
Notable recognition was rightly paid to the work the of Academy’s staff in teaching its primary students phonics. The inspectors highlighted the incredible progress students make commenting; ‘Students who are taught phonics (the sounds that letters make) make outstanding progress from a variety of starting points. The excellent teaching ensures that students are desperate to unlock the enigma of the written word in English.’
Importantly, the inspection also took into consideration the wider remits of the Academy’s community, speaking with students, parents and partner organisations. The inspectors valued the links within this community, noting ‘Excellent relationships exist between staff, students and their families.’
Particular praise was also paid to the work of the Academy’s Senior Leadership Team and staff in supporting students to achieve their full potential, for which it is jubilant. The inspectors highlighted, ‘There is a shared and relentless drive to help students to have the best possible future.’
Describing the leadership of the Executive Board as ‘excellent’, the inspectors continued, ‘the school has turned a corner and is now firmly on the trajectory towards being outstanding’ adding that the Head of School, Keith Stevens, is ‘spearheading change like a ‘fantastic firecracker.’’
Jonathan Farnhill, Exeter Deaf Academy CEO commented, “The report is extremely positive and we are delighted with it. The work of our Senior Leadership Team has been fantastic and they have shown great commitment to ensure all our students succeed. Keith Stevens should rightly take an immense amount of credit for the impact he has made, particularly as Head of School. However, I am sure he will be the first to say that this has been a team effort, and, as the reports makes clear, it is the effort and skill of many different people within the Academy that enables our students to do so well. We are completely focused on continuing to improve at the current rate so that we achieve the best possible outcomes for our students.”
Chair of Governors, Marge Clarke said, “On behalf of the board, it is fantastic that the Academy’s drive and determination has seen it awarded this well-deserved outcome. I take great pleasure in celebrating the Academy’s excellent achievement and it is a hugely positive result for our staff, students, parents and the wider community.”