Shape the future of your healthcare
Dear reader,
As Chair of the Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group I wanted to invite you to get involved in shaping the future of healthcare in your community.
You may have seen coverage in the local media about potential changes to NHS community healthcare services in Devon.
Community services include district nursing, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, community hospitals, minor injuries units and more specialised services.
We know that people are getting older and have more complex needs and, alongside this, advances in care mean there are more possibilities than ever before to improve the way we provide community services. We also know money is tighter than ever in the NHS so we must make every penny count and look to reshape services where we can make them more effective and efficient.
During the last year we have spoken to hundreds of people about what they think is most important about community services. This includes patients, carers and communities, independent providers, as well as senior and clinical leaders in health and social care.
The people we spoke to were very clear about the things that they thought were important.
They wanted services that: would help people to stay well; gave them integrated (seamless) care when they needed it; provided personalised support; had co-ordinated pathways of care; ensured we value and support carers; gave services that thought about the whole family and had a method of delivering services that saw care at or close to home as the first choice.
Now we want you to tell us what you think about our proposed way forward and how health services in the community should look like in the future.
If you would like to give feedback please do so by 8th July 2014.
The feedback document can be found electronically on the CCG’s website (https://www.newdevonccg.nhs.uk/involve/community-services/101039) or paper copies can be requested by calling either Keri Ross on 01392 267680 or Sally Parker on 01752 398737.
You can also email directly to d-ccg.community@nhs.net or write to Community Services, NEW Devon CCG, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QL.
I look forward to hearing your views.
Best wishes,
Dr Tim Burke
Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group