Turner Locker Barnfield Revival
Turner Locker Barnfield is a Commercial Property Agency and Consultancy offering offices, shops, industrial units, warehouses and car parking spaces to let and for sale in Exeter and the South West - http://www.turner-locker.co.uk/
Being interested in vintage & classic cars or in other words “petrol heads”, We have decided to go forward and organise an exclusive event: Turner Locker Barnfield Revival – 7th September 2014 – Barnfield Crescent.
What to expect?
The idea is to gather around 50 vehicles (cars & bikes) from the 1930’s to the 1960’s, and in an unashamed imitation of Goodwood Revival (http://www.goodwood.co.uk), ask drivers and guests to dress in period costume to match their vehicle. There will be catering and “period” music inside the private crescent (Barnfield Crescent).
Anyone interested in being part of this prestigious and almost exclusive gathering should email: mark@turner-locker.co.uk – spaces are limited.
Being on private land it is important - for security reasons - that all participants get registered before the actual day. Crowd control is essential.
There is a dedicated social media page too. Feel free to “like” and follow that page https://www.facebook.com/TLB.Revival
Alternatively, to read more about it visit, the “News” section of our site http://www.turner-locker.co.uk/turner-locker-barnfield-revival-7th-septe...
Being the first of its kind in Exeter, it should be a fun day with a certain touch of British style. This will also bring to the Exeter Business Quarter located in Southernhay, a certain cachet.
There will be music by The Siren Sisters (http://www.thesirensisters.co.uk/) and a vintage Tea room as well (http://www.hiddentreasure.biz/).
It will be an opportunity to add Exeter and even Devon on the map for a rather unique and more importantly, independent vintage event.
So, if you, your friends or family have a nicely kept car or bike in a garage, whatever the brand, this will be the perfect occasion to give it a polish and meet other like-minded people.
Get in touch to make sure that a space is reserved for that day, which will take you back in time and allow you to share unforgettable memories.