It's the War of the Weeds!
The Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Conservative Party in Exeter is waging a War on Weeds in the city.
Dom Morris says he was so fed up with trying to get a satisfactory response to the problem from Devon County Council and Exeter City Council that he took the matter into his own hands... literally.
And so armed with nothing more than a couple of shovels and a willing band of volunteers, he is now on a clean up mission.
Residents all across Exeter have been sending in their photos of huge weeds by email and calling the campaign team. There’s even a Rate-My-Weeds competition on Twitter!
Meanwhile the row between the two councils over responsibility for the weeds continues.
Dom said: "The situation is unacceptable and is dragging the city down. Rather than talking about the problem, I am interested in doing something about it.
"Our War on Weeds campaign is bringing people together across the city to solve the problem.
"Just send us a photo or give us a call and we'll help wherever we can."
Email dom@dommorris.co.uk, Tweet @DomsRateMyWeeds or Call 01392 345 060