Standing room only at Exeter Pound event
Wednesday night’s Exeter Pound event at the Bike Shed Theatre was a busy one, with a range of guests, and exciting news of the formation of the Exeter Pound CIC (Community Interest Company).
It was a packed house at the Count Down to Community Money event with a wide range of guests from local councilors, local business people and members of the general public.
An excellent presentation by Martyn Goss from the Exeter Pound steering group detailing the current and future progress of the Exeter Pound. Followed by Victoria Hatfield from the Exeter City Council, talking about their supporting for the scheme. The event was rounded off with a question and answer session, with some interesting ideas and views on how the Exeter Pound should work.
The basic premise is that of a local currency, similar to the projects in Totnes, Bristol and Brixton, which have already proved popular. Feedback for the Exeter Pound is very positive, with 73% of respondents in a recent survey saying they would buy some of the Sterling backed currency.
Community engagement is high on the agenda for the group, already working in partnership with Exeter College and looking to work with the schools and community groups across Exeter for their competition, due to launch early next year which will decide the designs for the notes.
The Exeter Pound is due to launch Autumn 2015, ready for the Rugby World Cup.
For more information, please see http://www.exeterpound.org.uk/