Business club raises £1,500 for Hospiscare
The Exeter and East Devon Business Club was instrumental in raising funds of £1500 after hearing an impassioned plea from Sarah Smith of Hospiscare.
During a talk at one of the club’s lunches earlier this year, Sarah explained she was looking for 20 companies to raise £1000 each in order to fit out the kitchen for the new day hospice in Honiton.
Exminster Garage’s Jo Strachan rose to the challenge by doing a sponsored skydive, which generated over £800. Jo, who did her skydive on September 21 said: “The weather was perfect and there were 30 others jumping for their charities - the atmosphere was amazing.”
To match Jo’s efforts, Mark Godfrey, Manager of the Deer Park Hotel where the business club meets each month, offered to donate all proceeds of the September lunch to Hospiscare.
45 local business owners turned out to support the fundraising efforts and enjoy freshly cooked pizzas, made to order in the hotel’s outdoor clay oven. They also took part in a variety of exciting events organised by Outdoor Adventure Consultants, including archery, clay pigeon and rifle shooting.
Dave Barr, MD of the Best of Exeter and one of the founders of the business club, said: “This was a fantastic achievement. I’m thrilled that Jo and Mark, two clients of the Best of Exeter, stood up to the mark and that so many business club regulars came along for the lunch to make sure that as much money as possible was raised.”
The next Exeter and East Devon Business Club lunch will take place at the Deer Park Hotel on October 28th with guest speaker Patrick McCaig from Otter Brewery.
For more details visit www.eastdevonbusinessclub.com