Event promotes safer working culture

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 6:28am

Construction workers across the South West have been brushing up on their health and safety knowledge at the first ever CFSW Health and Safety Expo.

Over 400 local sub contractors and health and safety professionals and students attended the event, which took place in Exeter last week, to learn more about training, occupational health, asbestos awareness and removal, PPE, plant and equipment use, general construction site health and safety issues and working at height.

The theme for the day was ‘well being’ and aimed to alter behaviour and attitude to promote safe and responsible working at all levels across organisations.

The event was introduced by Martin Lee, from the Construction Health Risk Management Unit of the Health and Safety Executive, and included practical showcases from leading equipment suppliers who provide on site solutions for health and safety requirements.

It was hosted by Construction Framework South West, who are supported by Devon County Council, and are part of the family of regional public sector construction frameworks operating under the banner of the National Association of Construction Frameworks.

They efficiently and effectively manage a procurement framework on behalf public bodies in the South West including local authorities, police, health authorities, universities, further education colleges and academy trusts, working with eleven principle contractors who have successfully delivered over £493 million of infrastructure projects since 2009.

Jamie Staples, Development Manager at Construction Framework South West, co-organised the successful event. He said:

“There is nothing more important to workers and their families than construction site health and safety.

“The fact that there was a spectrum of people who attended the event, from those who are expert trainers in construction site health and safety to students with ambition to join the industry, shows how important health and safety is regarded by our contactors.

“I am delighted that the event was so popular, especially as all the exhibitors said they would definitely do it again and our attendees said they had gained a lot of new knowledge which they will use on site.”

Emily Scammell from Shield Environmental Services in Exeter said: “The people who attended got a lot out of the day and it was reassuring to know that companies knew what training and equipment they needed to be safe on and off site.”

Simon Aspey, Accounts Director at JSP Oxford said: “It’s all about product awareness and the fact that all the visitors knew the importance of their employees and the public health and safety meant that we had some good quality leads.”

Guy Barker, Asbestos Management Sales Director from the Kent based firm AMS was delighted to see so many young people wanting to learn more about asbestos and cilica awareness. He said: “Catching people young this expo has probably saved lives.”

If you work for a public body and would like to save £75k on administration with no risk of any claims on your project and would like to know more about the collaborative CFSW please contact Jamie or Eleanor at Devon County Council on 01392 382444 or visit www.cfsw.org.uk/

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