NATO security chief to give open lecture
Dr Jamie Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary General to NATO will be talking to students, staff and members of the public at an open lecture on Thursday 20 November 2014 at the University’s Streatham Campus.
Entitled ‘International security: is it as bad as it seems?’ the lecture will explore how recent events have given many people the impression that the world is sliding into disorder and in some places (such as the Middle East) even anarchy.
It will pose questions such as ‘Are we experiencing the twilight of the West as many have predicted?’ and ‘Are the challenges from a return of geo-politics or the general breakdown of governance in the South so formidable as to overwhelm NATO’s capacity to cope?’
Dr Shea will try and guide the audience through this tangled web of threats and instabilities and suggest ways that could return the Euro Atlantic region to some semblance of order and predictable inter-state relations in the years ahead.
Dr Jamie Shea is Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges and has worked for NATO since 1980.
His lecture will begin at 18.30 in the Alumni Auditorium, Forum, Streatham Campus. The event is free, but if you would like to come along please register by emailing the Research Events team.