Force welcomes positive assessment
Devon and Cornwall Police has welcomed a new assessment from Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary which shows the Force is performing strongly and serving communities to a high level.
The HMIC’s first Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy, (PEEL), report is overwhelmingly positive and singles out the Force as performing well in terms of reducing crime, achieving efficiency savings and operating with integrity.
It rates the Force as ‘Good’ in all areas assessed with further praise for preventing reoffending, tackling anti-social behaviour, secure financial planning and strong work to ensure ethical and professional behaviour among officers and staff.
Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer said: “The HMIC clearly states the Force is in a good place, performing well and serving our communities with professionalism and integrity. It states that policing costs 46 pence per person, per day in Devon and Cornwall and I would consider that very much value for money policing.
“It is a great tribute to my officers and staff to see such a positive report, despite the funding challenges we face as an organisation and will continue to have to deal with across the board.
“There is fantastic work going on at all levels within my organisation to give a value for money and fit for purpose policing service and this independent report shows me this is and will continue to happen in Devon and Cornwall.”
The report makes comment regarding the Force protecting those at risk of harm with particular emphasis on those at risk from domestic abuse and ensuring communication with victims was consistent.
Chief Constable Sawyer added: “The report does raise some concerns around domestic abuse, service to victims and ensuring integrity in crime recording. These are all areas already being proactively addressed and I am committed to improving these vital areas of policing, however, they should not detract from the overall positive nature of the report.
“We embrace any opportunities to learn and improve and will always listen to independent views on the services we provide.”
The PEEL report can be accessed in full by following www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmic