From Devon With Love: The PCPE Show, The Crane Wife & Singing Over The Bones
The PCPE Show: The Crane Wife (7pm)
Encounter Theatre & Therapy
The Crane Wife, brought to you by Encounter Theatre & Therapy (ETT), is based upon ancient Japanese folklore. It is a natural, heartfelt story, touching upon the therapeutic issues of grief and loss. This performance will be of interest to learning disabled adults, their enablers and family support, and others who are curious to immerse themselves in an interactive world developed specifically for this audience group.
ETT are currently translating what works in dramatherapeutic group encounters into languages, soundscapes and environments, engaging our audiences with storytelling which appeals to and is of therapeutic benefit to them.
Primary Colour Play and Expression (PCPE) is a new form of dramatherapy developed by ETT for adults with mild, moderate, severe and profound learning disabilities. PCPE is sensory and is based upon theories of group process, intensive interaction, sensory orientation and integration, developmental drama (Booker 2012), psychoanalytic and aesthetic forms of dramatherapy.
In The Crane Wife, the PCPE elements of play and expression, usually facilitated through primary coloured non-prescriptive object and fabric play, are transformed into a larger scale sensory-participatory theatre experience. The Crane Wife will be both age (adult) and ability (mixed) appropriate.
Singing over the bones (8.15pm)
Isabella Lazlo- Ancient Future Dreaming
This show tells the story of ‘La Loba’, the wild woman, and calls us beneath the surface of our lives to the living earth that sustains us, and the life force that moves through us all. Isabella dances with the element of earth, bringing texture and imagery as she draws with her body, upon the stage. This piece will take you on a journey, both into the wild of your ancestry and into the depths of your own inner world. What you receive from this piece will be personal to you, but it is certain that everyone will come away with a gift.
'Isabella is a powerful and moving storyteller. Her voice is resonant and rich, and the feelings she evokes go deep. She reaches into the soul of a story and connects us to our hearts. She has courage, and those that crouch by the flames and smoke of her stories will be touched and changed and moved'. Mac Macartney, Embercombe.