Trust launches recruitment drive
The Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust is launching a recruitment drive to enhance the nursing and therapy teams which care for people in community hospitals and at home across Exeter, Mid and East Devon.
The Trust is looking to attract experienced and newly-qualified nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists to work across its acute and community services, which also span North Devon.
The Trust is holding recruitment open days at North Devon District Hospital, Barnstaple, on Monday 16 March and at Tiverton and District Hospital on Monday 23 March, both from 10am to 3pm.
Dr Alison Diamond, chief executive, said: “We are keen to enhance our nursing and therapy teams, who do a fantastic job providing safe, effective and high-quality care for our patients.
“We have a variety of posts available in the acute hospital at NDDH, the Trust’s 17 community hospitals and our nine health and social care teams who support people in their own homes.
“There are some great opportunities for experienced nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists seeking a new challenge, as well as nurses looking to return to practice and students due to qualify from university in March or September.”
People attending the open days can meet clinical, recruitment and workforce development staff and have a tour of the hospital.
Dr Diamond said: “The open days offer a great chance for candidates and ourselves to learn more about each other.
“Our staff will be able to tell you what it’s like to work for the Trust, how you can fast-track your application and about the many training and development opportunities we offer.
“Nurses can also find out about our innovative rotational posts, working across acute and community settings, and have an opportunity for an interview on the day.”
Candidates have a variety of options in terms of applying for jobs, attending an open day and having an interview.
For more information, call Anna Wright on 01392 356023, e-mail ndht.recruitment@nhs.net or visit www.northdevonhealth.nhs.uk/openday.