Policeman dismissed for sex in public
On Tuesday 17 February 2015 an internal misconduct hearing was held in respect of a serving police sergeant.
A member of the public had made a complaint that the sergeant had been seen engaging in sexual activity with another, in a public place whilst on duty.
The sergeant admitted the allegation and that his behaviour amounted to gross misconduct.
The sergeant was dismissed from the police service without notice.
Assistant Chief Constable Russ Middleton said: “We expect the highest standards of professional behaviour from all of our officers and staff. The sergeant’s behaviour in this case directly contradicts the Force’s values, the Code of Ethics and the Standards of Professional Behaviour and will not be tolerated within the Devon and Cornwall Police”.
Whilst all officers and staff will constantly strive to ensure that they uphold the professional standards, this case is a reminder of the importance of the following:
• Treat the people we serve and our colleagues with respect and courtesy and demonstrate self control.
• Do not act in a manner that is likely to discredit the police service and/or undermine public confidence in the police.
• To uphold the law and deliver public service to the highest standards.
ACC Middleton added: “The vast majority of our staff demonstrate commitment on a daily basis to the Force Strategy, the Code of Ethics and the Forces obligation to instil public confidence in the police service. It is disappointing on this occasion that this officer’s behaviour has let the police service and the public down.”